- 02.-04. November: workshop "Non-Target Screening embedded in (Open Acess) Platforms and Multidisciplinary Links", Garching bei München
- 06.-07. June: colloquium "LC-MS in der Umweltanalytik 2016", Leipzig
- 29. May - 03. June: NonTarget2016 conference, Ascona, Switzerland
- 27. May: update data of database 'STOFF-IDENT' (total list STOFF-IDENT, as at 17.05.2016)
- 02.-04. May: conference "Wasser 2016", Bamberg
- 02./03. March 2016: FOR-IDENT project meeting, Garching
30.November: publishing data of the database "STOFF-IDENT" (total list STOFF-IDENT, as at 30.11.2015)
11.November: 1. workshop FOR-IDENT: "identify known in unknown" in Langenau (invitation)
10. November: Introduction of the BMBF-project „FOR-IDENT“ in Langenau (directly after the Langenauer Wasserforum)(program Langenauer Wasserforum)
03. Septmeber- 05. September: CEST conference in Rhodes (poster)
12./13. March: Kick-off meeting project FOR-IDENT in Berlin